Drg. William Wijaya

Invisalign Provider
General Practicioner

Graduated from Trisakti University Dentistry faculty in Jakarta. He specializes in restorative dentistry, Aesthetics dentistry. His venture working in experienced team of Dental office, he would like to gain new skills in the fields of Aesthetics dentistry and implantology.

His passion and enthusiasm in the dentistry world does not stop after he graduated. He kept upgrading and seeking more knowledge by participating many dental seminar and short courses both locally as well as internationally: “Esthetic and Functional Rehabilitation of Complex cases with new Restorative Materials”, “Mastering Large Composite Restorations with Modern Materials”, “Free Hand Bonding in the Smile Frame”, “Clinical & Biologic Realities in the Endodontic Technological Explosion, Periodontal Aesthetic, and last but not least ITI Congress South East Asia In Thailand : “Achieving Esthetic Success in Implant Dentistry”.

In his free time he enjoys sport and spending quality time with his family. He is a family man.